Legal terms and privacy policy
In compliance with information mandates as established by Article 10 of Law 34/2002, dated July 11th regarding Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the following information is provided: Full name of the company holding the Alvarez Camacho SL web domain (hereinafter Alvarez Camacho), whose address for such matters is c/Enrique Camacho Carrasco, 48, Postal Code 41620 Marchena (Seville, Spain), with VAT registration number B-41100751, registered in the Company Register of Seville in Volume 526, Section 2, inscription 1 of Corporation Book 83, page 115, sheet 6514. Contact email address:
The access and/or use of this Alvarez Camacho portal considers you the USER, who therefore accepts, from said access and/or use, the General Terms of Use indicated herein. Said Terms are applied independently of the Terms and Contidions of Contract, which as may be the case, are mandatory.
3. USE OF THE PORTAL: provides internet access to a wide range of information, services, programs or data (hereinafter “the contents”) that belongs to Alvarez Camacho or its licensors to which the USER may have access to. THE USER accepts all responsibility when using said portal. This responsibility extends to having to log in, if necessary, to access certain services or contents. In said login, the USER is responsible for providing true and honest information. As a result of this login, the USER may be provided with a password for which he/she is also responsible and is committed to making diligent and confidential use of it. THE USER is committed to proper use of the contents and services (for example, chats, discussion forums or new groups) provided by Alvarez Camacho by means of its portal, including but not limited to not using the aforementioned contents and services to (i) perpetrate actions that are illicit, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order; (ii) disseminate contents or propaganda that is racist, xenophobic, pornographic, promotes terrorism or is against human rights; (iii) damage the physical and logic systems of Alvarez Camacho, those of its suppliers or third parties, introduce or disseminate computer viruses in the network, or any other physical or logic systems that are susceptible to damaging the aforementioned systems; (iv) try to access and as may be the case, use the email accounts of other users and change or manipulate their messages. Alvarez Camacho reserves the right to remove all comments and contributions that infringes upon any and all respect for human dignity, whether discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, that threatens youth or children, public law and order, or, in the opinion of the Alvarez Camacho, is inadequate for publication. In any case, Alvarez Camacho is not responsible for the opinions expressed by users on the forum, chat or other participation tools.
Alvarez Camacho complies with all mandates of Organic Law 15/1999 dated December 13th, for the Protection of personal Data, of Royal Decree 1720/2007 dated December 21st which approves the Rules that develop the Organic Law, and also the mandates in force at any given time, and that safeguard the correct use and processing of users’ personal information. Therefore, together with each data collection form for the services that users’ could request from Alvarez Camacho, users will be informed about the existence and acceptance of the specific conditions regarding the processing of their data, as may be the case, and inform them of who is responsible for said file, the address of the responsible party, the possibility of exercising their right to access, changes, cancel or oppose said information, the objective of all data processing and the communication of said data to third parties, as may be the case. Likewise, Alvarez Camacho informs that it complies with Law 34/2002 dated July 11th, regarding the Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce it will request your consent to use your email address for commercial purposes.
Alvarez Camacho, on its own accord, or as the assignor, is the holder of all intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as the elements contained therein (including but not limited to images, sound, audio, video, software or texts; brands or logos, color combinations, structures and design, the selection of the materials used, the necessary computer programs needed for access and use, etc.), held by Alvarez Camacho or its licensors. All rights reserved. In virtue of Articles 8 and 32.1, paragraph two of the Intellectual Property Law, the following actions are prohibited: the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including its availability, whether in full or part of the contents of this website for commercial purposes, whatever the support and technical means, without the authorization of Alvarez Camacho. THE USER is committed to respecting all Intellectual and Industrial Property rights held by Alvarez Camacho. You may view all elements of the portal, and even print them out, copy them and store them on a hard disk drive in your computer, or on any other physical support, if and when it is for your own personal and private use. THE USER must restrain from removing, altering, avoiding or manipulating any protection device or security system that may be installed on the Alvarez Camacho website.
Alvarez Camacho is not responsible, under any circumstance, for any damages incurred, whatever the nature, including but not limited to content inaccuracies or omissions, lack of portal availability , the transmission of a virus or malicious programs in the contents, despite having adopted all necessary technological measure to avoid this situation.
Alvarez Camacho reserves the right to make any and all changes and modifications deemed necessary with no prior notice, in which case, it may change, eliminate or add contents and services provided, as well as the way that these are presented or located in its portal.
In such case that contains links or hyperlinks to other Internet websites Alvarez Camacho has no control over said sites and contents. Under no circumstances does Alvarez Camacho take responsibility for the contents of any link belonging to a third-party website, nor does it guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, exactness, scope of coverage, truthfulness, validity or constitutionality of any material or information contained in said hyperlinks or other Internet portals. Likewise, the inclusion of such external connections does not imply any type of association, connection or participation with the related organizations.
Alvarez Camacho reserves the right to refuse or remove user access to the portal and/or services offered without any prior warning, at their own behest or that of third parties when the user fails to comply with these General Terms of Use.
Alvarez Camacho shall pursue failure to comply with these conditions, as well as any other improper use of its portal, and will pursue any and all civil and criminal actions that may correspond by law.
Alvarez Camacho may, at any time, change or modify the conditions stated herein, to duly publish them as they appear herein. The legitimacy of the aforementioned conditions depends upon their exposure and will remain in force until they are modified by other duly published conditions.
The relationship between Alvarez Camacho and THE USER shall be governed by the laws of Spain, with any disputes being subject to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Seville (Spain).